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Adrianna Sosa

Summer Camp 2023

Summer Camp At The Youth Center

For over nine years, the YH organizes a Summer Camp at the Youth Center during the summer vacation period. This generally lasts between four to five weeks and welcomes between 100 to 200 girls ages 5 to 18. The primary objective of this camp is to allow these girls to spend a recreational and fun summer, but more particularly, to allow them to spend their days in a safe environment while participating in academic support, sports, and artistic activities.


As every year, the camp will end with a show and an exhibition presenting the work that the girls have realized throughout the period.

We are infinitely thankful to all who have supported and contributed already, one way or another, to making the camp possible for this year. For those who would still like to contribute, here are a few ways you may do so:

Pour faire un don de matériels à partir d'Amazon, utilisez ce lien:

Si vous voulez en savoir plus sur l’institution:

Téléphone: +509 4446-8320 / +5094064-6464

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